lily's Profile

Name: lily
Joining Date: 04 Mar, 2010 09:04 AM
About Me:
Total Submission: 1
Total Comments: 3


Total 3 Comments
Quote: My fav. qoute: "It's funny how a...
this quote is so true!!! i love it!!!! :)???
i know what you are going through because i myself had to hide my relationship from my parents i know its hard because of all the guilt you get but if its the only way you can stay with you bf then its the best dor now later on they will understand that it wasn't just a guy you had a crush on but the love of your life ...just try to be happy because your still young and have a lot more stuff to go through .. belive me i have gone trough a lot with my boyfriend and
Quote: The shortest word I know is "I". t...
awww this is a very sweet Quote i ? it :)


Total Submissions: 1
Poem: Sorry