Alijah's Profile

Name: Alijah
Joining Date: 15 Jul, 2014 12:04 AM
About Me: I am 13 I was troubled and still am but I fortunately have a way with words and now the encouragement and beauty that comes out of these stories not only warms your heart but nourishes you til your well at the same time.
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Total 1 Comments
I personally have never fallen in love because I'm thirteen. But I can tell you this. If someone you really love makes your life miserable and makes you hurt yourself. Think its not me. I am strong. I can do this. I can. I am beautiful. And I know I can't tell you to break up with him because its wrong. Obviously you love him. So I have no right but I want to tell you. You are a role model for me because now I know what love is. Love is where you would do anything for someone. You


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