Elizabeth's Profile

Name: Elizabeth
Joining Date: 23 Nov, 2014 05:52 PM
About Me:
Total Submission: 2
Total Comments: 3


Total 3 Comments
I do not know who "coolo" is and that is not my number.
What you commented on my story was really nice. It was so sweet it almost made me cry:/ I know I deserve that but I forget it a lot. Thank you though
You left a comment on my story. I was 16 when that happened so yeah I felt pretty crappy about it. I am now a few months away from 18 and I have had sex with 6 guys. I don't really know what you meant by any of what you said. And the story was about how I lost my virginity and the consequences that came with it..... such as disappointing. Don't post something if you don't care or didn't even read the story. Thanks