Aya Kasim's Profile

Name: Aya Kasim
Joining Date: 16 Jan, 2015 03:38 AM
About Me: I have a lot of pain in me. Physically and mentally, I suffer from deep depression at a young age for the past two years now. There's a lot I'd like to say to the world and let people they are not alone. I write stories about my life because talking about it doesn't get me anywhere, my book I write in will keep everything about me safe.
Total Submission: 3
Total Comments: 2


Total 2 Comments
thankyou Adam, that means a lot to me.
thanks y'all your comments mean a lot to me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Total Submissions: 3
Quote: I've fallen for you, You've fallen...
Quote: Empty your desires, Say your goodb...
Story: Nyle..