Hannah Ellis's Profile

Name: Hannah Ellis
Joining Date: 05 May, 2011 08:08 PM
About Me:
Total Submission: 3
Total Comments: 2


Total 2 Comments
Soulmates cannot be kept apart. You are bond to each other. Stand strong and love will lead you in the right direction. Listen to your heart and if your heart is really his it will take you back into his arms. Don't put up with family like that, yet don't be reckless. Don't do anything to make then whip or beat you again. Good luck! and remember, love always finds a way!
When all hope is lost don't give up. If you ever need someone to talk to or complain to or whatever. You can email me at sadie.river@gmail.com. I'll help you through this if you want.


Total Submissions: 3
Poem: You are to Me
Story: Unopened Letters
Quote: "If love is great, and there are no...