Jordan's Profile

Name: Jordan
Joining Date: 02 Oct, 2016 07:13 PM
About Me: There is not much to say I was raised by a german grandmother/grandfather who adopted me and I only learned to speak and right in english if whomever it reading this fell free to message me with any questions.
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Total 1 Comments
Sorry for my english ahead of time. It's not my place to say this but, when someone find there partner cheating it's hard so if I may one of my experences. My last relation ship was six years long from age 16-22. I got some vidios from a close friend and he said he found them on the internet. I found that the vidios were that of here haveing intercorse with other me he gave me the website the oldest vidio was 3 years. Insted of writeing a story though basicly, What happonded was Iended our relationship got drunk evrynight


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