A lonely & depressed life's Profile

Name: A lonely & depressed life
Joining Date: 11 Dec, 2016 11:19 AM
About Me:
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Total Comments: 3


Total 3 Comments
Hold on indeed help is on the way... there are many strangers in this world who just by one glance will do whatever they can to help you and I want to be one of them... email me if you want to cause I share the same feeling... Smithirapara@ymail .com
Its really really depressing Josh... I am also under depression... no one to share my feelings with... could you be my friend my email is... Smithirapara@ymail .com
Its really sad to hear this.... I mean I also am suffering from the same situation the exact replica of yours... maybe we can share our feelings to each other can we be friends or best friends... email me at this... ---> Smithirapara@ymail .com Yours lovingly though I may be a stranger to you but I can understand others feelings in a much better way than adults do... and I still have no one to share my feelings...


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