Yanaky <3's Profile

Name: Yanaky <3
Joining Date: 04 Jan, 2013 07:17 PM
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Total Comments: 2


Total 2 Comments
U should keep your head up :) i know it hurts to remember somethings from the past and the things that you struggled with but you got to remember that life isnt always easy. and that we should make the best of it and try to at least find someone to talk to. keep all that anger and sadness bottled up dose you no gud, losing a parent is hard i know that; but at least try to find some counceling or a group that can help you talk bout your situation it won't b easy at first but at
Hey dont be sad, like you said things seem to happen for a reason but that dosent mean we cant try to change things in life. I knw their are times when you feel all alone as if you have no one to lean on but the fact is that their is always someone even when life trys to bring us down till we break but dont let it take over you, i´ve had those moments in life, and i knw its hard all you got to do is fight thru it and hope things get better...u may seem as


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