louna's Profile

Name: louna
Joining Date: 23 Feb, 2013 10:35 AM
About Me: what to say when you said everything and still no one noticed you .....
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Total Comments: 5


Total 5 Comments
oh my god !! this is so bad why u haven't went back when u knew he was having his memory back !! ?? why u haven't called him at least !??
god damn it girl really give him a chance !! cz if a boy was lying he won't stay after u all that time !! in one sentence : u will be dump if u say no !!
u are a package a closed one, maybe it doesn't look beautiful from the outside but from what i've red today believe me i can tell ur beautiful from the inside ... life is short if u keep having those ideas... and it can be long too if u go outside having that real smile !! believe me the start is always the hardest :) just find ur right road !!
may his soul rest in peace , i've never had a brother , i always wished i had but u had it and he will always survey u from the sky :) god be with u and hope u won't lose any other important person in ur life
god this story made me cry !! i can't believe it !! amy smith is right besides u are lucky to be loved in return specialy by an angel !! lots of us are never loved in return !! stay strong and pray for him ;) god bless him and may his soul rest in peace :)


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