benhardi's Profile

Name: benhardi
Joining Date: 27 Mar, 2013 01:00 AM
About Me: I Like to listen to sad stories. . .it's been an experience to me. . . .please share to me if you had a sad stories. . .thank you. . .I'm just a guy who can't move on cause what I am now is always live in the past. . .
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Total Comments: 1


Total 1 Comments
I had a same experience like you where my girlfriend left me and she is married with other man and we have been in a relationship for 8 years in February 2012 and so easy for her just to left me like that. . The best thing to do through days is using fake smile and pretend to laugh and happy. . .because memories isn't something that easy to forget. . .until now I am still thinking about her and the days that we spent for eight years. . I even cant believe about TRUE LOVE anymore:) I hope and


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