Alan's Profile

Name: Alan
Joining Date: 08 Sep, 2010 01:16 AM
About Me:
Total Submission: 2
Total Comments: 5


Total 5 Comments
I m sorry to all of you 4 not being able to post the rest of story. I will do it some day. Bt in december. U may think that i am 2o up in air jst becos 2 or 3 people apreci ated my story but i m extremly critical right now. So i can do nothing but apologise.
Well, i accepted his proposal later. We are in a relationship since 1 yrs 2 months and 7 days. But............. I will soon post another part of the story.
thanks for appreciating my story. Corey is the guy i talked about. Cant reveal the real name. I will surely complete it. Take care.
This is me, when i had t let him go for his good.
Surviving through an almost broken relationship is really a brave thing. It is trying to convert something that has turned into nothing to forever better. It is extremely difficult and some may even not understand what it is like to keep hoping that we can be through everything based just on memories. I am touched.