The_Real_97''s Profile

Name: The_Real_97'
Joining Date: 27 Jun, 2013 02:06 PM
About Me:
Total Submission: 1
Total Comments: 5


Total 5 Comments
Sorry, for so many of the above comments. I thought it just kept getting deleted so I reposted it several times.
If you really want to know what happened, give me a way to contact you. I'll try to answer any questions you might have.
If you really want to know what happened, give me a way to contact you. I'll try to answer any questions you might have.
If you really want to know what happened, give me a way to contact you. I'll try to answer any questions you might have.
If you really want to know what happened, give me a way to contact you. I'll try to answer any question you have because I wanted someone to tell me a few things when I went through this.
