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Lonely Poster


21 May, 2011 02:42 AM
loneliness, alone, isolated
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eesha eeman says:
23 Oct, 2011 01:33 AM


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Victoria Lopez says:
01 Dec, 2011 08:49 AM

Yea sometimes I feel like that too.

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Rud says:
04 Mar, 2012 08:11 AM

In most cases I do not make a comment on blogs, but I want to mitenon that this post really forced me to do so. Really nice post!

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Mahi says:
14 May, 2012 07:41 AM


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riya says:
17 Jul, 2012 05:26 PM

i love a guy. bt he left me jst i love him n wl love him 4ever........

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Ashly says:
30 Aug, 2012 07:29 PM

i had love ....but was scared of losting her .....the same thing happen
small mistek facing big problm
nw Alone....

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Sarah says:
31 Aug, 2012 07:22 PM

Lovely picture :'(

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Hiva says:
20 Sep, 2012 09:46 AM

Hi....Images are very impressive...New images like....God is behind

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rodillo aj says:
27 Dec, 2012 05:24 PM

I feel the PAIN right now.
I Cry 100x to prove to her that I LOVE HER SO MUCH.
Even after DEATH:(
8/15-16/2O10.BABES JOY.

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sudhi says:
05 Mar, 2013 02:42 PM

i loved your posts... its so hard to be alone..

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mae jumuad says:
16 Mar, 2013 08:51 AM

i felt so lonely every time I'm home or I'm alone ...... its not easy to be in that situation....

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xMx says:
16 Mar, 2013 08:56 AM

since the first time i laid my eyes on someone like him i felt that there is something going on at that moment then i realize that i felt in love with him but i know that he cant love me back cause were worlds apart and right now i think that he is going to another place and it hurts so bad because i didn't even told him that i liked him and it would be so painful to me watching him leaving but i need to accept it because i have no right to make him stay.... xMx

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Aamir says:
05 May, 2013 06:39 AM

{ => ALONE <= }

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gabcoLeni eLisan says:
22 Jan, 2014 10:30 AM

LIKE this <---

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Humira Ali says:
05 Oct, 2014 07:05 PM

Feeling lonely without u

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hangthunglia says:
25 Nov, 2014 05:09 AM

i like this photo

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Rahul says:
11 Dec, 2014 05:00 AM


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sandeep patle says:
15 Dec, 2014 02:43 AM

it so good. its heart touched images I am also alone

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himanshu srivaatav says:
03 Feb, 2015 08:38 AM

someone make me so alone

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