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Sad Angel


12 Mar, 2010 03:42 PM
sad, angel
Tags: Sad, Angel
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sabbeth says:
04 Nov, 2010 07:19 AM

i no what a lot of thease girls whent through i whent down the same road raped by my step father but my mom stayed with him and even now as i look back on it, it makes me weak to no there are realy people like that in this world

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Lanie Aguillon says:
24 May, 2011 06:56 AM

Sabbeth stay strong .. . Pray always think God is there beside us and knows every deatails of it .. Although didn't exactly the same pain we went through but really feel it girl. You are unique and very special person. Don't let them win . Keep it up.

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soheyla says:
17 Apr, 2013 04:55 AM

that was very good....

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