About a sad little boy
Mo Dzu
16 Dec, 2011 01:20 PMHis name was reece He was only 3 This is what he suffered Before he got set free His dad was a prison mate His mum was a drunk His bedroom was a box And that's all he ever got His only friend was his kangaroo toy That he found inside a bin It was worn out and had lost one eye And has never let go off it since He would always talk to it When know ones around Just lay there Not a peep of sound Until the garage door unlock And his mum came staggering in Swaying side to side trying to beat him More and more pain stung him Cut on his face Bruise on his arms Why was it reece That was given all this harm But he grabs his toy Cuddles it tight He loves his mum But she wants him dead and out of her sight He huddles in a corner And cried 'why me mummy' 'Didn't I love u enough'? To be in this family Such an awful life For a 3 year old Who had done nothing wrong But would get beaten with cables Then one night his mother come home drunk She punched and slap him all night The poor kid had to suffer with the pain Until his mum grabbed the blade It was shape and pointy one she had made She stabbed it right in the chest Streaming 'you deserve to die you little pest' The mum dropped the blade and left the room Reece grabbed his toy Led their without a peek Slowly dyeing And softly crying Police showed up In this little house Barged in and this is what they found One officer slowly open the door To find a poor little boy Curled up on the floor It must off been bad To go through so much harm But at least he died With his best friend in his arms
4 Post a Comment
Post a Comment27 Jul, 2012 08:11 PM
sooooooooooooooooo nice
28 Jul, 2012 10:17 PM
So sad... :'(
19 Aug, 2012 06:05 AM
This is so sad. Is it real. it made me cried. Please tell me. who is the little boy? I want to remember him.
19 Aug, 2012 07:02 PM
m crying out....poor boy !