Sara Crumbley
08 Apr, 2012 08:51 PMI'm all alone in a crowded room; lost, scared, nervous, and dying. I stand alone in a fast pace world; Trapped, lonely, desperate, hurt, and broken. A world full of pain, A world that is cold, And a world of sin. I can't break free; I'm in a prison cell, Locked up for all eternity, Never to escape. I'm trapped inside a past of pain and regret. Remorse for what I've done, for all my mistakes. Desperate and searching for forgiveness; Searching for love and acceptance. I'm alone in a world, in which I'm surrounded by friends and family. I'm broken and abused by my past, Fearing falling into the pit. A fiery hell with demons, fire, and brimstone. A hell on earth full of sin and regret. And now I wait, Wait to be pulled out of my hell; To escape my demons and my fears. I wait to be rescued. I'm waiting to be saved; Saved from this Hell I'm living. Waiting on an angel to see me, to take me away. Away from this world, Away from my sorrow, my loneliness, and my pain, To take me away from my life.
Tags: Death, Hell, Fear, Alone, Loneliness, Trapped, Abused, Broken, Scared, Waiting, Pain, Lost, Depressed, Sad
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