Mind Games
Victory is for loosers
24 May, 2012 08:54 AMI say as i lay down and rest my bones Again please wait my final groans Let me be from now till then To just see her face, once again But as i lie and fall to sleep I feel my heart skip a beat And i feel the time is now For me to make my final bow Adieu, Good bye, To all farewell I stand as i hear, touch, taste, smell The end is growing, my time is near Then suddenly i see you, my dear I feel my heart begin to race No longer at a steady pace You rush to my aid as i lay back I feel it now my last attack I see you flying through the air And yelling at me, no despair And as i take my final breath I'm lifted from this hallow death And "Clear" they yell as i awake It seems that i control my fate And i arise i stand up tall But still need the support of the wall And standing there with these men I see that all my life from now till then That i have seen another side One that always seems to hide Escapes the minds of many men And then it seems to return again And there you are standing still But i realize you are nill A mind conceived. simple complex A thing for me An evil hex As i stand tall and true I simply say from me to you I see that you conceived by me Are just a figment, Not reality
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