An empty life without you
02 Jun, 2012 02:29 PMAutumn’s breeze blows summers leaves through my mind Alone, I sit on this bench, but recall a time Before my days were filled with such emptiness When I thought you would always be mine My memory wanders back to a time when I was young So full of passion was my love for you For a while I knew you desired the same But you became tired of us and away you did run It was your wish to walk away and not to say goodbye, I said I’d never forget you and to this I’ve been true But loving memories mixed with pain and tears And a single photo is all I've left of you Although my eyesight is fading and it’s becoming hard to see The memory of your face remains vivid to me This tear stained photo is all I have left Of an intended love that was never again to be With a trembling hand, to my heart I hold it close So that again our spirits may beat as one That is where I desire it to be When it’s time for my days to be done This cool breeze tickles the back of my neck The way your fingertips used to caress Could it be you coming for me? Or just Gods way of continuing his torture of me My days are dwindling and I've made my peace I’m ready for what’s next, but will you be there? Taking me by the hand, I pray you desire For I've waited so long to know if you still care If I see your smile, of Heaven, I’ll have no doubt Tears of pain will turn to joy if I see your face But if it’s my destiny that I’m still alone I’ll know I’m in the wrong place Paradise, willingly I will walk away from To again have you at my side And spend eternity looking for you To finally make you my bride Each night the nurse returns me to my room Of how many mornings left, I am unsure I pray each night to be my last For all this loneness is hard to endure
2 Post a Comment
Post a Comment09 Jan, 2013 09:01 PM
I hope you find fulfillment, your poem was lovely.
21 Feb, 2013 06:09 PM
Heart's toching