I can't take pain now
Haseeb Masood
28 Jun, 2012 01:28 PMI look around me to find anybody for help but there is no one present as far my eyes can see I see I am all alone only my hands is there to remove my tears when I cry only my arms is there to hug me when I feel down I am waiting for end of me but I know end is so far even I am so weak after taking some steps my knees is too weak but I know there is no one who give my knees a help for walk heart is beating like its not broke my body holding my blood in side it like it never gets hurt my eyes is dry like they never cry I can't show up that I am strong man I cant take a fake face out there any more I cant learn how to drink pain I cant hold this fire in side me my body is warming up I can't suffer i can't let me body injured I can't take it any more
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Post a Comment25 Jan, 2013 01:04 AM
Consuming pain inside