A Bruised Heart

Fabiha Tasnim

08 Jul, 2010 04:21 AM
I was lost and so confused,
My dreams shattered my heart bruised.
Gave up on life, gave up living,
Wished I could just stop breathing...

Then an Angel knocked on my door,
Said let me in I know your pure.
His eyes twinkled, his smile glittered,
His words made my heart flutter.

I opened the door and let him in,
Still terrified of what he might bring.
He brought a sack full of laughter and cheer,
That’s when I knew there was nothing to fear.

So foolish and senseless girl,
I Didn’t even realize how he fell.
Silly boy I said he was,
Unaware of the things he does.

He set me free, taught me to fly,
But didn’t he know love makes you cry?
He was an angel sent from above
So now you know even Angels Fall in love...

Angel look at me I’m flying,
I’m happy so why are you crying?
Oh no! Not you too,
I’ve left you in my place so lost and blue.

Angel be patient I know your true,
Love will come so let it through.
I apologize for your shattered dreams,
A bruised heart, the pain unseen.

Thank you for all the things you’ve done
Being with you was so much fun
Goodbye my Angel, Farewell my friend,
I’m sorry but our story here ends.
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Kayla says:
10 Aug, 2010 10:29 PM

It's beautiful. I absolutely love it.

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Faraaz says:
09 Jul, 2012 05:16 PM

its ossum.....goood work....can i use it to make a song....

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