javier castillo
19 Nov, 2012 09:02 AMI cannot speak as long as I am wrong I cannot be brave as long as I am alive How can I end a life? How am I supposed to deal with this? The blackness of my blood reflects The darkness that I will always be I am a disappointment and nothing more I am pain and regret and nothing else Each time I fail I am imprisoned in my own pity Each moment of regret pushing me away from myself When I do whats right I am punished When I do whats wrong I am worthless Even when others are near I only feel loneliness Even when I am strong I feel weak I can feel it squirming from the pain I had caused I can feel it dying All the cracks on the wall I have memorized All the shades of darkness are my rainbow and with the days going worse I say to myself why did you come to this earth...
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