Why Me?
30 Aug, 2010 01:20 PMMany nights a week, I cry myself to sleep. Asking why must it be me, To feel so much need. The need to be loved, Just for who I am. Instead I am yelled at, for the many feeling I have. I have the need to be loved, To be listened to, To be myself, To feel safe! I only want to be me and not feel so scared. Scared that I will be disowned from my family alone. To walk down the street and be jumped for being me! I fear that I look different, but that's something I already know. I'm a girl with short hair and guys clothes to go. An outsider I feel because of the judgment I hear! I hear so many say "is that a guy or girl", It never seems to go away! Why must it be me, To feel so left out, To be scared to act myself. Should I just give up and act like everyone else? Or should I suck it up and be myself? No matter what I pick, I hope I'm happy with it! A life of regret, I so hope I don't get. I just want to be loved and accepted, At least I want to be respected. Should it really matter if I look different to you? Or is it more important that I am a good human and not a trouble maker? As this all plays out, I pray that I don't some how fade out and it will be to late to save me! I want to be me and not you! I will be the way I am, If you don't accept that then that is your problem.... Not mine! I am Jay, A girl who looks like a boy... A girl who is herself.... A girl who will stand up for what she believes in... A girl who will always have your back... A girl who will even die for you...
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Post a Comment22 Aug, 2012 11:34 AM
be strong and who you are my daughter is a lost soul and I love her unconditional I send my love to you too I loved your poem