Without You
xXLauren LucidityXx
21 Mar, 2013 01:19 AMDown my cheek tears were streaming, the burning of my heart's screaming. How can my soul feel so numb? Silver and cold I stand with you, but I feel a loneliness I can't succumb. The wind rustles swirling leaves, howling through wood and tangled weaves. How can I hear the sound of your voice? Whispering a promise that you'll return, but we can never escape absence of choice. I tilt my head up in your direction, and off your face is the moon's reflection. How can you be so lovely? Your skin so flawless yet pale, but all things so beautiful end so ugly. The bitter taste of a shattered heart, combining with the taste of love so tart. How can this sting taste so sweet? The dying summer like embers on my tongue, but I can barely feel my own heart beat. I've never been held so close in your arms, so clear are all your helps and harms. How is your scent such a desire? My light fragrance and your pure scent, but with the charred aroma of our hearts on fire. One last kiss and you walked away, my life walking out on me with your sway. How does your movement freeze me? Sly and swift you seemed to fly, but now is the last time I can ever see. Now all I can hear is wind mocking your goodbyes, feeling the deep ache of my heart as it dies. How can I make myself stop? All I taste is the smell of your lingering scent, and I can't even see, my eyes soaked to the top. Forever I hear my own screams, the memory of your heart's gleams. How can I still love you so? Because I know you're out there, so as long as your heart beats, our love shall grow.
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