
Amelia X Willis

02 Apr, 2013 07:05 PM
Life, I never understood it
Watching my little sister having a fit
Who could be so mean? 
Probably someone who thinks they're tall, cool and lean

When really, they're worse than the devil
Bigger and badder on a whole different level
And I hate the life I live
Who'd pick this for anyone is such a dive

And I hate living this way
Waiting for that very, very special day
The day I die
I wanna strangle myself with my own school tie

But maybe wanting to die is a bit to drastic
Going from high to low, my emotions are elastic
Maybe i could just run away
Run all the way down to West Bay

Maybe if you see past my fake smile
Just see life how I see it for a while
And if you just took the time
Maybe you'd see that I'm not fine

Maybe you'd see all the cuts on my wrist
I'd explain how I did them, but it'd be such a long list
Razor, knife and sharpener blade
My cuts will go, but the scars will never fade

And I feel so depressed
If I told you why you might be a little bit impressed
It makes you feel so big
When you're drinking alcohol or smoking a cig

I've been through so much more
I remember being in my room, sitting, crying on the floor
Oh yeah, and that was only yesterday
Wishing I could live my life a different way

Everywhere I go I just try to fit in
But I'm fighting a losing battle that I', never gonna win
But I don't understand why no-body likes me
But then I look in the mirror and it's plain to see

Then I understand all the insults
And realize it was me that made all the faults

I remember everything I did wrong
And that's why I wrote this song

But maybe it's time for me to stop
Time to just forget all my problems and let it all drop
It's time for it all to come to an end
I'm not just talking about this song, my life isn't on the mend

So people want to take a knife 
And strike it through their heart
But that won't make a difference 
My life's already fallen apart

But maybe I feel a bit worse than shit
What am I talking about, a whole lot not just a little bit
Suicide, I don't know how, but I'll find a way to commit it
And it all comes down to my little sister having a fit
Tags: Depression
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verity says:
25 Mar, 2014 04:38 PM

I feel your pain...but that's not the answer...your better than that...but writing is the best way to get it out...keep writing your songs and poetry... your very lift up your head...your good at ????

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