The Perfect Friend ©
Shannen Wrass
27 Oct, 2013 04:23 PMToday I found a friend Who knew everything I felt She knew my every weakness And the problems I’ve been dealt She understood my wonders And listened to my dreams She listened to how I felt about life and love And knew what it all means Not once did she interrupt me Or tell me I was wrong She understood what I was going through And promised she'd stay long I reached out to this friend To show her that I care To pull her close and let her know How much I need her there I went to hold her hand To pull her a bit nearer And I realized this perfect friend I found Was nothing but a mirror
Tags: Loneliness, Alone
2 Post a Comment
Post a Comment13 Oct, 2014 09:19 PM
I looooove this...I often find myself thinking that the only person who really understands me is...well, me. I think this poem perfectly reflects that. I'm quite jealous I did not come up with this myself. xD
13 Dec, 2014 02:59 AM
T.T loneliness often times devour a person's sanity.