remember that day you said goodbye.
Cheyann Lewis
20 Nov, 2013 09:34 AMremember that day you said goodbye. all i do is cry, why is everything you say a lie. all i want to do is die. you loved me, a lie. you cared, a lie. all you say and do is a lie. my heart is a hole. getting darker and darker. blacker and blacker. till there's nothing left. you said you'd never hurt me. i trusted you and that was my mistake. i gave you my heart. hoping you would take it and cherish it. i was wrong. you broke it. ripped it to pieces. cut it. stomped on it. scarred it. but most of all you scarred me. i don't think i will ever love again. not ever. not like i loved you. i'm depressed. so depressed. i just think of you everyday. crying. in the corner i sit. cutting. and screaming. i pick up the gun and say why am i still breathing? slowly pulling the trigger. i think of you. then "boom" i don't suffer. everything is ok. but whom have i left behind? 2 hours later she finds me dead on the floor. as her life slowly fades away. tears rushing down her face. shes screaming and wishing she could go back to yesterday. she says when i died she felt pain. but she will never know. the pain i felt. but i'm in a better place now, no pain. no struggle. no hurt. just love. remember that day you said goodbye. all i do is cry. why is everything you say a lie. all i want to do is die.
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