Non Potest Accipere "Can't Take It"
Gwen B
08 Jun, 2014 06:22 AMRunning running running Away from all the fears Away from the cruelness and the jeering Trying to not succumb to your tears How can you keep living Amongst the cruelty of your peers? The thoughts make you start quivering The weight of people's stares Your life is a living Hell The pain too much to bear You've tried to live your life well But now there is no one who cares They've called you all the names All the insults they could make They know the resulting pain Would force you to shake You think of the many scars Both inside and out Making your beautiful skin marred The wrist cuts too many to count All those who had called you friend Have abandoned you completely by now You just want it to end To stop the forces pushing you down You hold the pills in your hand The temptation to take them is great You could finally leave this land One gulp is all it would take You'll finally leave them behind The bullies, the fears, the pain The parents who've never been kind The few who stuck around for their own gain You slowly start taking the pills Swallowing them one by one It's giving you a terrible thrill Knowing that you've actually won You lay on your back Waiting patiently for the end I t won't be long, you've read But you don't know exactly when A ding rings out around the room A message comes up on your phone It's from an old friend who had moved As you read it, you let out a pained moan "I've missed you kid All the fun times Do you remember when we hid So we wouldn't have to say goodbye? I've wanted to send my love And many kisses and hugs I'm coming to visit soon, love I'll be sure to bring your old pug!" You suddenly feel sick As you rush to the sink The second hand starts to tick As you finally start to think 'There are people who care People who love me for me Ones who'd listen to my fears And wouldn't judge on what they see' You try to throw up the pills As you dial nine one one You focus on not dying with all your will When your call with the operator is done You finally start to realize, much to late That you've never stood alone Life is much to great To throw away with only a simple groan You can feel the darkness closing in As the sirens grow louder The doctors will have to tell your kin That you are no longer Why did you do this? Why let the evil win? The people who love you will now have you to miss And surely this must be a sin You hear the heavy pounding of feet on the staircase As you slowly shut your eyes You think your final thoughts with tears running down your face 'I'm sorry my friends. Goodbye.'
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