Walking alone

Gaurav Tiwari

30 Nov, 2014 11:18 PM
i saw you standing out with tears,
i wanted to shatter all your fears.
but there was nothing in my hands,
i was sent to the other stands.
this world was no more for me to live,
i have nothing more for you to give.
now i m all alone here in this dark,
i can see not even a single spark.
what will you answer me if i ask,
why do you wear that mask?
here i walk alone on this dark road,
with sound of cry's and a broken hope.
that incident has left scars on me,
but they cant change what were we.
i always hope to return to you,
but i feel like being  stuck with a glue.

however i've died dear,
and i want you not to fear,
always carry that sweet smile you wear,
and wipe out your every tear.
Tags: Death, Loneliness
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vinit says:
10 Jan, 2015 04:42 PM

gud one >.<

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