We're miles apart but I wish
Kanashimi Raven
16 Feb, 2015 11:05 PMWe're miles away but I wish you were here To see the stars and the sky And feel the wind play with your hair and have a firefly land on your hand We're miles away and countries apart and yet I wish to touch you here and see your smiling face again I wish to smell your sweet perfume and steal your shirts to wear We're miles away, countries apart and continents separated And yet I wish that were not the case. I wish you lived in a room right beside me and your messy clothes laid all over the house We're miles away, countries apart, continents separated and worlds apart I wish my hand could reach you. I wish you could hear my voice and wipe my tears and blood when missing you becomes too much But right now we're universes away I wish the dead and the living could meet somewhere close by.
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