jerry harrenstein
08 Dec, 2015 08:02 PMOn a hot, hazy, crazy late afternoon in July a woman suddenly appeared before me, quite unexpectedly. She stood in front of me, right at our Sun's light and this created a halo around her, thus giving me, quite the fright. For a split second though I thought she was an Angel, an Angel sent here to take me away, but, today, no such luck, since she was only a mortal blocking our Sun's rays. She began to speak and her words rained down on me with a degree of authority. Words, words that she stammered and struggled with to get out from under her twisted tongue. Words, words that passed over her aged pursed lips, only to ask me if she could sit down next to me. I had no idea as to what I should say, except for yes, yes, please, do sit down next to me. Had I known that the woman I said, "please, do sit down next to me" too, had a heart blacker than the blackest, blackest, night, I would never have extended my hand in friendship. I had never experienced love coming from a woman's heart, but a heart filled with hatred was to be my experience with the woman whom now sat next to me. The woman whom would give to me my first taste of love. The woman whom would give me heartbreak, heartache, sorrow and pain, pain that would course its way through every vein. All that, yes, all that would come gradually to me from the woman whom now edged closer to me. Her name was Sassy and yes, she was by definition, somewhat classy. Sassy could be a prize visualized in any man's eye and that's why I was surprised, surprised that she had come here to be with me on that hot, hazy, crazy late afternoon in July. The time we spent together that fateful day was short and her mind-numbing words were few. She revealed little about herself, so I was left to conjecture. The mystery that was Sassy grew exponentially in my mind, while I tried to figure out what her angle was, being not the Angel I thought she was. Sassy had not appeared to me to be a Vamp, nor a Tramp out on the prowl. That, I sensed somehow, but what I failed to sense was the cold hard fact that Sassy would become a living Hell, my Hell, my nightmare from Hell. Sassy did not have to raise a brow, or bat a lash, nor pull a Rabbit out of a Hat to keep my attention. Sassy beguiled me with her uncompromised beauty, her carefully parsed words, her unusual gestures and that's probably why I had not seen what was in store for me. Most gesturing is done with a person's hands, or subtle movements coming from their eyes and face, but Sassy's gestures were not common place. She gestured with her legs and feet, which I found to be unusual to say the least. Her legs and feet mirrored the arms and fingers of a tree, a tree caught up in a sudden wind, which in the end brought to my face, a sheepish grin. I caught myself gazing into her eyes and I began to wonder if Sassy had a heart, a loving heart, a heart that given time could become mine. She had to have a heart I thought, for a woman being that pretty and smart, she just had to have a heart. I knew she had feelings, feelings like I had because I saw a tear slowly forming deep within her eye. A tear, a tear I would discover she used to hide behind whenever she told a lie. I realized not that someone could live a lie and believe it to be the truth. While we talked, Sassy told me that she came from a land that was on the opposite side of prejudice and being credulous, I accepted that, even though I knew not what she meant, for my mind was close to being spent. Sassy went on to say that there was no love in her life, no man in her life, nary a thrill had come her way in many, many, many a day. Once again, I knew not what to say to her, but I had no one to love that day, so I asked her if she would accept the love that laid in my heart, because it would be better than any pill she might want to take. While extending my offer, I wondered what she would do with my love. Would she take it and run with it? Would she hold it close to her side, the side near her heart, or would she give it back to me at the sight of Mr. Right? Would she refuse my love and give her love to someone less worthy, just to spite me? I had no idea what to think, but when she leaned over and said yes with her kiss, she left a tear to fall on my cheek in her hasty retreat. I was momentarily caught up in a state of bliss and failed to recognized what was to become of this. Sassy went on to say that the pain she had now came from her past. That the men she loved gave her this pain, pain that had come from heartbreak, only to be followed by heartache. Her eyes began to cry as she went on telling me more of her lies. In between her torrent of tears, Sassy said that she longed for the day when true love would finally come her way. I had no clue as to what I should be saying, or doing, because love had never come my way, until that day. I knew nothing about heartache, or of a broken heart filled with pain, no love had ever come to my heart. I only knew pain by its name, but I knew I wanted to help her just the same. I wanted to help her gain freedom, freedom from the sadness that now laid deep in her heart. I offered Sassy my hand and said that my love was hers to keep. A love that was honest and pure. A love that she would be able to cherish and keep. A love that would not cause her to weep. I sat there in bewilderment for a moment knowing that what I had just said might be too much for her to accept all at once, but deep within my heart I knew I had to pounce on that chance for romance. I had no fiancé, no wife, no sex life, no children to bare my name, no riches, or fame, with only myself to blame. I wanted her love and I wanted to give her my love, so I left nothing to chance, I laid my card's out on the table hoping for romance. Without any warning, or sign, she stood up and said she would be mine, only let's give it a little time. Speaking of time, she said it was time for her to go. Then, with an unusual calm, Sassy said she would love to have a taste of my love. Shaking uncontrollably, I stood up and put my sweating arms around her waist, gently, gentlemanly and passionately I kissed her aged parched lips, lips parched from the days heat. For me, that moment was ever, ever, so sweet. Without ceremony, or acrimony, Sassy said good-bye, yes, good-bye with a wave of her foot and a smile that nearly knocked the socks off of my feet. As she walked away, I yelled, "Thanks for making my day" and "Let's not make this the end of our day." " My love to you Sassy, walk with my love next to your side, hold onto it with pride knowing that my love for you will never fall by the way-side," I shouted. With the blink of my eye the light of day, quickly went away. Darkness had come my way and so had the men wearing White and Grey. I ignored them and went on my way. On my walk home, I only had thoughts about my new found love, my lover soon to be, my Sassy. My desire to be with Sassy turned into anxiety. My mind headed straight to my heart like an arrow shot out into the dark, confusing me. My lack of common sense made it impossible for me to see that nightmare ahead of me. Had I known that was to be, I would never have chased that flame, that flame, that flame I named Sassy. I was smitten, that I knew, smitten like a child with a new kitten, but my mind would not listen. I was blinded, blinded by that lie, that lie saying she wanted to be mine. When I arrived at my flat and opened the door, a tear had fallen from my eye onto the floor. I had never cried before, so I dismissed it as a drop of sweat and walked over it on my way through the door. Once inside my flat, I sat, I sat waiting, waiting for time to pass, hoping, praying I would soon hear from my Sass. The phone rang at last and with immeasurable zeal I ran to answer it, knocking a lampshade over as I made my way through the dark, the dark that would soon become my light. The dark, where every night would become my day light. Day light wrapped in White. On the other end of the line was my Sassy. She spoke with me through her wireless. Apologizing for calling so late in the night, she asked me if was alright for her to come over around mid-night. Holding back my adrenalin rush, I made no fuss. I calmly said, "That would be fine" and before I could hang up, Sassy shouted, "I love you" and "Tonight I will show you how I want you to give your love to me." With her every word, I bit down on my lip, closed my eyes and wished she would materialize. Only a little time had passed before her knock came to my door. It was almost like she had been waiting on the other side for quite some time. I calmly opened the door and Sassy began to cry. I asked her why and she said, " I'm crying because I am so happy to finally be here." That would turn out to be another one of Sassy's lies, with more of the same to come after she came. I was so lame because I had not recognized her game. I was so lame, so lame, that in the end I would blame myself for feeling ashamed, when in actuality Sassy was the blame for my shame. I had no measurement to go by. There was no one with whom I could compare. No love had ever come my way until that day. Sassy was my only, my one and only lover. Once inside, Sassy's tears were no more and I knew, I knew I was about to score. My imagination ran amuck, imagining this and that even before we had time to exchange glances. I was ready and so was Sassy. I playfully grabbed her hair and dragged her up the stairs. Then, with gentility, I laid her down on my bed. Sassy looked up at me and said, "Take me, take me to a place where I have never been." A tear had fallen from my eye because I had no idea where to begin. I just stood there, sporting a mile-wide grin. That drop of sweat that had fallen earlier from my eye, well, that turned out to be a tear, one of many tears, which would be shed that night. That was the night Sassy fled from my bed. That would be a night filled with her tears and mine. A night of lies and deceit, glossed over by her sexual prowess. So powerful was she, that tears of joy, passion and ecstasy would flow uncontrollably from me. Sassy took hold of me and gave to me my long awaited fantasy. When our moment together ended, I was still shaking and so was Sassy, then she rolled over with out a word being said. I was spent and full of shame. I thought I was the one to blame for the way she felt. Where had I gone wrong? I gave her all of the love that was in my heart. I loved her the only way I knew how. My kisses were hard, full of fire and long. My hands were masterful and strong, so where had I gone wrong? There was even a moment when I thought my heart was about to break out in song. There was no song in Sassy's heart. Her heart was silent and that's when I should have realized something was amiss. I was not the blame for my shame. Sassy was to blame, it was Sassy that wronged me. There was never any love in her heart for me, only lust and a magical touch had she for me. Sassy knew this and that was the reason why she laid there in silence. Sassy said on the phone that she would show me how to love, but in our moment of heat, her heart barely beat. I gave all of my loving heart to her when our bodies touched. I had never loved someone so much as I loved my Sassy. Even her lips grew listless after each one of my kisses. Listless, lifeless and cold were her kisses. I knew she was old, but not that old. Her kisses were barely palatable when I tried to bring a smile to them. They had no more life in them then she had. Yet, I still hungered for more. I wanted more of her magical touch, so I leaned over to nibble on her ear, but the glare coming from her stare made it perfectly clear, she wanted no more. Her love for me was over, she made that plain when she rolled over. I felt my heart sink as the blood from my heart coursed its way back to my brain from whence it came. I would never feel the same. I would never love again. What was the matter with my thinking. It's not as if I had been drinking. I wanted to scream out her name before casting away my shame. Sassy was the one to blame. Why had that happened to me? Shaking with trepidation, I asked Sassy to look at me, to tell me that her love for me was not a lie. "Don't let me sit here and cry," said I. "Don't let me sit here and cry," I cried out. "Don't stop loving me now, now that I have had a taste of love," I said. "Cant you see what that will do to me, don't just lay there, talk to me, please, please, talk, talk to me," were my words to her. After all I said, she just laid there as if she were dead. I was going out of my head. Then, with little effort on her part, she rolled over and with no less than a bat of her eye she said, "Yes, yes, yes, it was all a lie." Tears burst from her eyes then, while she told me why she didn't love me. "I never loved you, I only wanted you to be my boy toy." Was this her jurisprudence regarding love? My God, woman, from the start, from the very start, I thought we had an alliance, an alliance of hearts, but to hear you tell it, I was only a pawn in your Queen Dom, when all I wanted to do was love you, give to you your freedom. With her eyes about to sleep, she told me that she was sorry, sorry for what she had done. Those were her last words to me that night. She was safe in her sleep now and I was left to wonder if her truth was not another lie. I cried the rest of that night while she slept in front of me. Sleep finally took hold of me and that's when Sassy fled from my bed. She fled just before early morning's light. I rose from up from that night, only to sit. While I sat, I sketched her face over and over in my mind. I thought of her flesh and the warmth that had come from her breath when our lips first met. She took hold of my mind. She fled with what was left of my heart. She left me to drown in her lies and in the tears that I cried. Sassy was not the Angel I first thought she was, but her angle, that, I finally knew. That morning, I asked God to rescue me, to rescue me from my fears and not to let me drown in my own tears. To give me strength, strength that I would need when I set off on my quest, my quest to find my Sassy and bring her love back home with me, bring the love that once was my heart home. I had to have her back. I had to fill up the hole where my heart once laid. I was once told that love need not hurt, that love could even mend a broken heart. I had to find out, so out I went to find her, hoping that she would apply her love and heal my wound. I looked day and night hoping to catch a glimpse of her. I even looked for shadows of her when our Moon's light lit up the night. I sat day after day at the place where we first met. I waited for her to walk out into our Sun's light, so I could catch her in my sights. I sat there in the heat, the heat that had always come late every hazy, crazy afternoon in July. I was not alone in my wait, the men in White and Grey were nearby. I paid them no mind because the day was only so long and I knew that the dark of night would soon come along, then I would be gone. Sassy had not come to be with me, only her lies had come. Her lies haunted me, taunted me, her lies gave love a bad name. Desperation was closing in on me. I began to feel pain. At first, I thought it was indigestion, or a bad case of heartburn, but the pain in question centered around where once my heart was bound. Was my newfound pain heartache stemming from heartbreak. It must have been. My pain slowly generated from deep within, in the hole where once my heart had been. I had a heart that now was a hole. A black hole, consuming me, tearing me apart as it pushed its way out from where my heart once was. I guess it began the day Sassy left, but at that time I was bent on finding her, so I paid it no mind and I had not known pain at that time. My pain did not break from time. It had no frame of time. It came and went as it pleased. Never to give me a break was my newfound heartache. It came during the night, even in day's light. It walked with me during the day and throughout the night. It even joined me in my bed, making me weep, making it hard for me to sleep. My pain seemed to mimic ordinary pain, that was my thought, because I had never felt pain until the moment it came. It even brought to me more shame, it drained me as it moved through my veins. Outwardly it was demonstrable, but inwardly, my pain had turned into a monster, a monster that was slowly consuming me. A monster that would soon take from me my sanity. Black was my pain, like black thorns pushing through my chest, tearing, tearing through my flesh. I had to put an end to it. I had to stop the bleeding. I had to find my Sassy I just had too. I had to lay my misery before her. I wanted my heart back. I wanted to feel again. I wanted love once more. Oh God, when will it all end! My search began once again. Day and night I called out her name. I even watched to see if she walked out from under the cover of our cities lights, or cast a shadow under our Moon's light. She was nowhere near. The bench where we once sat was deathly cold, cold like her waning touch. I had grown weak and needed sleep. In my desperation, in my consternation, a light shined down on me. I remembered the call she once made to me. I quickly made my way back home, hoping, praying her number was still there. Once home, I tore through every number on my phone. It was there and for a brief moment went my despair. With renewed hope, her number I dialed and for an instant a smile crossed my lips with each number I dialed. Please, be there my child, please, please, be there. I noticed my heart was not beating, beating against my chest as it had done several times before, then I remembered my heart was no more. Sassy had my heart. I went on praying, praying she would be there. Somehow, no tear had fallen, only a drop of my sweat from my brow took a bow. With every ring of her phone, I remembered everything. The moment we first met, her parsed words, the whimsy of her gestures, her kiss when she said yes, the tear she left behind, the tear that covered up her first lie, the night I cried and the shame that had come my way, her thrusts in her moment of lust, the night, the night and day I first felt pain when I thought my life would never be the same, the terror I felt knowing I would never love again, the black that was her heart, the lies she said were truths, Yes, all this came back to me as I stood there waiting, waiting for her voice. What would come from this? What would be the outcome? What would become of her? What would become of me? Of us? Will she love me? Will I forgive her lies and help her to live with truth? None of that could ever be. I could not live knowing my life was a lie. That was simply not me, still, I wanted love, Sassy's love, as black a thought as that might be. I wanted the love she took from me when she ran away with my heart. I believed the love in my heart would still be there. I needed to know though and I would not know until Sassy returned my heart. Sassy would always be the woman whose love I wanted and needed. There was no other, there had never been another and sadly, there would never be another. That, that I would learn sooner than later. Sassy's phone chimed no more, her voice traversed the line with a roar. Even before I could speak, her words of hate filled my ear and then there was my tear. She told me love from her could never be and for me to let her be. I screamed out over her screams,"I only called you to see if you were ready to bring your love on home to me, bring the love that was my heart back to me," those were my words, the words that I shouted. "Your my scourge, leave me be," those were her final words to me. I pleaded with her, I tried to cajole her, but it was all for naught. All was lost. Silence was now mine because Sassy had hung up her line. I felt totally alone, empty inside, even thoughts of suicide ran rampant through my mind. Sleep overcame me just in time, because I thought I was about to lose my mind. Morning came and I felt the same, but that was about to change. Sassy's love for me would never be. That, I finally realized. I had to make a new start, even without my heart. I weighed the pros and cons that I now donned, I knew now where I had gone wrong. I went back to a place I was familiar with. A place where the late afternoon day in July was hot, hazy, and crazy. That's were it all began. Who knows, maybe Sassy will appear once more. Sassy did not come, they had come, they being the men wearing White and Grey. They had come for me. I thought they had come to take away my pain, the pain that was once my heart, but, no, they said they were here to take me away. I asked them if I could stay, I begged them to let me stay, I had to stay, I had to stay and wait for my Sassy. I pleaded with them, but in their eyes I could see her hatred for me. They carried in their eyes her lies. There was nothing I could do, or say. I knew not how to lie, the way my Sassy had. I could not run and hide behind God's skirts as she had, thinking He would forgive her for the lies she told. Jesus had his Judas and now Sassy was mine. She brought them to me, she knew where they could find me. After all was said and done no mercy from them had come, they showed no mercy as the dragged me away. Away, away to a place where every night was day, where the windows and walls were White, the stars there were even White when I wanted it to be night. Even the lies there were White, my cloths were White and I was chained to them in White. I was chocking, choking, choking, from all the White. There was never to be for me night. My tears were even White. The place where Sassy's picture once hung was White. I even saw what I thought was my life coming to an end whenever I stood and looked where a mirror once hung. I felt that with every tear I shed I was one step closer to being dead. Once I had features that were bold, my heart was 24 carat gold, but now I just felt old and a dreadful cold where my heart once was. What I would have given to feel the flutter of Sassy's heart once more, to inhale her sweet smell, to breath the very air she breathed. That, I would never have. The only thing that lay ahead of me was a Sea of White. I think I will go now. Go out and wait for my Sassy to return, return with her love for me. The men in White and Grey joined me, they kept repeating my name and saying "What a shame, what a real shame." written with love by jerry harrenstein
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