I pray
Daniel Bogogolela
28 Jan, 2016 09:51 AMWe love each other but, not the way people think. They don’t know how we’ve come to know each other because they’re still to learn about us. When I was young and pregnant, non of them could believe I was carrying his child. They had thought I was lying to his parents to get close to his family. But when they learned that I had a baby bump, that’s when all of them asked for my forgiveness. And when I told them that I had forgiven them, all of us cried tears of joy. I know a lot of parents who think that due to my shady, dark past, I may influence Their kids badly, but, given the fact that I’ve now proven myself to be a good person by things I do every day, why should I continue to live my life— thinking what are they going to say next? You know what, I feel like I need space to rediscover who I’m in this world. Re! Because I’ve done a lot of things during my recovery good and bad. But none have to define me because we’re all human beings. So people who are looking at my man, wondering how it happened that he chose me over them, should find themselves things to do. I’ve a loving, doting husband and a son who I should love unconditionally. I pray that the hope and peace within our family shouldn’t be distracted by people whose duty is to spread lies.
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