You dont care.


18 May, 2011 03:13 PM
You are the sun, so warm, like fire.
I love only you, you are my desire.
You look at me like I?m an old flame.
I gave you my heart, so I guess I?m to blame.
For you I would crawl I would beg I would lie.
For all this you would bat, not even one eye.
When I told you I was going away, 
I dreamed you would cry and beg me to stay. 
I hope I forget you or my heart turns to stone.
Because without you I feel so alone.
Tags: Love, Alone
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Bayan Bebo says:
03 Jun, 2011 10:51 AM


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BrokenHeart For Life says:
20 Jun, 2011 09:09 PM

I love it,its really good.

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