02 Aug, 2016 11:24 PMShe cried She screamed He wouldn't stop What madness in this world What bitterness can take hold It twists the mind And poisons the heart Each broken soul fighting alone As he drew closer she knew what was to come She begged She pleaded But he was not letting go Her world was falling apart As he looked into her eyes, he seen the panic within But she had to hear this Even if she would not believe for a little while So he whispered in her ear And she started to cry She would not listen No she whispered He replied I know someone must of broken you so badly, I'm sorry he done this to you. Im sorry that when I raise my hand to touch your face you flinch. I'm sorry he destroyed your spark. And I'm sorry you don't believe me when I say... You are beautiful. But I promise one day, you will believe it, and one day that spark will return and become a fire!
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