28 Jul, 2011 08:14 PMEveryday around quarter past three, you burst into the bathroom searching for me, I get hidden by your mother while you are away, hidden, unused for most of the day, I feel your anger as your hand grips me tight, I'm the one & only thing that helps you sleep at night, I live to put scars upon your wrist, I leave my mark I'm proud of this, I watch as the beautiful red blood pattern drips, and runs off the ends of your fingertips, what possesses humans to act like this, to scream, cry & cut their wrists, but for now my job is clear the reason that I was brought here to relieve the pain to sit by the window and watch the rain, up until around quarter past three when you burst into the bathroom searching for me...
Tags: Suffering
4 Post a Comment
Post a Comment28 Oct, 2011 06:16 PM
This poem is the most amazing writing piece ever. I really like it, I think I've read it around 7 or 8 times. I don't know why I like it so much. I never had any cutting problems, though with all the scars on my arms and hands people ask me a lot. Even my doctor asked If I was a cutter. I'm not I just think you have major poem writing skills. I love it and keep writing poems.
14 Dec, 2011 05:32 AM
i like it to im not emo but i do have lots of cuts on my arms and hart i feel like killing my self some times and that every one hates me i cut my self on pourpuse cause i dont care any more cause im a discrace to my family and to all around me.
25 Jan, 2012 03:52 PM
omg...i absolutley adore your poems. Your poems help meh face the person who i used 2 b and i appreciate all your creativity. Yes i did self harm, and whats left are scars and memories. I was a girl who came looking for her razor day after day.
23 Jul, 2012 08:32 PM
Wow!That was marvellous! I did cutting several times and now when i see its scars i feel very bad about myself for doing that... Perhaps Thats a good way to become calm,but the effect is transitory (if be still alive!) I try to control myself not to go for searching for a razor and do "..." . Its hard,but possible! Dont forget it! Thank u & good luck!