My Thoughts Of You
01 Aug, 2011 07:08 AMMy Thoughts of You... I lay there asleep in peaceful bliss waiting for the mourn; Letting my dreams take me where all my hopes have been torn; I awake to the sounds of nature in all it's power and might; Wishing you were by my side to dance in its delight; I picture me in your arms cradled by your side; Your eyes staring into my soul telling me it's alright; Your inner beauty comes alive in your thoughts, your words, your moves; You are a man of conviction with nothing you have to prove; You take me places I've never been I see them thru your voice; I dance with you in nature with your magic, I have no choice; The world we live in as we know is such a mystery; It's glory, landscapes and beauty still amazes me; You see things as I always have which no one understood; That thru this hell that we call life I always find the good; Two separate places and a lifetime apart; you came into my world; Learning something everyday between this boy and girl; We may not have riches diamonds or gold; But the riches woman I will be to see you growing old; Together life is better in discovering what is new; What life has to offer us with each new mornings dew; I don't know what's in store for us or what the plan may be; But forever within my heart I hold a place for thee; Your uniqueness, your soul, your thoughts and dreams these things you give to me; I hope to give them all in return as the best is yet to be...
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Post a Comment08 Nov, 2011 08:22 AM
I Love ur poem its really good!