Touch You Hand

Dorcha Aingeal

27 Aug, 2011 08:57 PM
I see the world in black and grey
It used to be so bright,
The end comes for all I?m told
Maybe he was right.

I walk these full, yet empty streets
It?s not the same any more,
The lights don?t glow bright enough
The city?s lost its glor?.

People came, then were gone,
I never noticed and they moved on,
I live alone till I can reach with my core,
To touch your hand, once more.

Why oh why did you die and leave me all alone?
You promised, said you?d be there
On the moonlit streets near home.
Where I cried I breath this air. 

Instead you walked a different path
And took a big, long leap
That?s when I saw you,
In a little messed up heap.

People came then were gone,
I never noticed and they moved on,
I live alone till I can reach with my core,
To touch your hand, once more.

A storm of black passed me by
A funeral it?s called, I wonder why?
They covered you?re face, then began to cry.
I felt nothing, instead I sighed.

Time passed and grass grew,
Everyone except me forgot about you
You were my life, my reason to live
Yet I had nothing, left to give.

People came then were gone,
I never noticed and they moved on,
I live alone till I can reach out with my sad core,
To touch your hand once more.

My friends are my friends no more
I lie down on a moonlit floor.
I?m now at peace, at war no more, 
The rains of fire, no longer pour.

My time has come,
For what I waited for
To reach out and 
Touch your hand once more.
Tags: Sadness, Death, Hands
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Abdul Haleem says:
30 May, 2012 11:57 AM

Heart touching piece of poetry.

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