I Messed it up!
08 Sep, 2011 10:17 AMi think about you all day, then dream about you at night. i don't really know what to say to make things right! right now we are apart, and its killing me. i don't know where to start. but this isn't how its supposed to be. we should be together with you fingers laced through mine. yeah, that sounds so much better and the thought warms me like the sunshine. without you by my side there is nothing but pain. these tears i can not hide, because they fall like the rain. our love is strong so this feels like it isn't true. this is all wrong because I LOST YOU!!!
18 Post a Comment
Post a Comment11 Dec, 2011 04:42 AM
Really touching poem......
12 Dec, 2011 07:44 AM
yea it is really touching, i wrote it when my heart was breaking :(
13 Dec, 2011 05:57 AM
i love thiss poem it is pretty muuch thee wordss i wouuld likee to saay :D !
14 Dec, 2011 05:21 AM
its ok.=(
14 Dec, 2011 08:36 AM
yea i culdnt say those words to him though, i was way to scared to show him the poem
14 Dec, 2011 01:30 PM
it made me cry...
16 Dec, 2011 07:34 AM
this is exactly the way i feel right now... i lost my boyfriend becuz of drama between me and my cousin and her bff...long story short..my cousin and her friend talked to dylan and said how they hated him more than anything and that i was "just using him to substitute for her last love" when dylan was truely my first love...dylan got depressed all weekend and on monday his depression got so bad that he just walked out of lunch and told me to go away...then at the end of the day he said that he couldnt take all the hate and lies of my "friends" anymore...it killed me inside...if only i had the courage to show him this poem =/ it explains it all...
19 Dec, 2011 02:10 PM
I luv dis poem it made me cry a bucket full of tears:''''''''''''( but still I love this poem.it is exactly how I felt when me n my bff fought.
21 Dec, 2011 09:45 PM
I loved this poem. It reminds me of how I feel with my ex of a year and 2 months Dylan. We were together when I lived in New York but we keep drifting apart. I moved to Georgia and we split shortly after but he tells me he hates me and then says "I love you, baby. I'm sorry". Because he was my only Love I keep forgiving him and won't stop. Please help. Any advice I really love him and can't get rid of him no matter how badly I try. :'( PLEASE HELP!
22 Dec, 2011 05:27 AM
i know how you feel the guy i wrote the poem about is the love of my life but he is with someone new but keeps telling me that he still loves me and he still wants a future with me. he plays with my heart on a daily bases and i dont know how to stop it. I keep saying that im trying to get over him and that im moving on but each time he looks about me i forget all about everyone else in the world. So i really wish i could help you Zoe but all i can say is tell him if he really loves you he wouldnt say any different and he wouldnt keep puttin you thru the same stuff everytime. and if he really loves you then he would try to make yall relationship no matter what.... if you ever need anyone to talk to about it you can always email me, ill try to help as much as i can. desireawalden@yahoo.com
25 Dec, 2011 07:12 PM
Desirea i know that im late on this but why where u to scared to show him tis and if u still love him exprese your feelings to him fight for your man tell him what he means to u or stop paying atention to him well not that but.i know that u still love him but a real man wouldnt tell u i love and still goes with the same dame girl insted of u. hes just towing with your life find a diffrent man oks hes not worth your time find some one that cares about your feelings and what u beleve in an that treats every one nice espesuly to your family and frends and that does not play u like a joke ok.;)
25 Dec, 2011 07:26 PM
sorry zoe got nothing for u cause im confused\=l
01 Jan, 2012 12:18 PM
awe David! thank you :) and i am trying to get over that guy and move on with my life im tired of being his second choice. time to find me a new love hehe!
29 Jan, 2012 12:07 AM
07 Feb, 2012 06:32 PM
This poem is so touching. It reminds me of me and my girlfriend and how nothing feels right without her. I wish I had the guts to show this poem to her..:(
02 Aug, 2012 11:08 PM
06 Nov, 2012 03:12 AM
I really like.
08 Jan, 2013 09:03 PM
its a very cute poem...so touching .