i didn
Shiela Castro
08 Jan, 2010 03:50 AM
it happened 6 years ago. i was forced to spend the summer at my aunt's island beach resort. i never liked going there for i find it boring. that summer i went with some of the guests to the island.
when he got down from the car that took them to the port, i held my breath. he was by far the most breath-taking creature i have ever seen. on the boat ride he kept glancing my way (i know this 'cause i was staring at him through my dark sunglasses.) he had amazing blue eyes. and that changed my thoughts about my summer being boring.
he was on vacation with his father. he was three years older than me. and we spent a lot of time together. His father told me he (the guy i like) liked me too, but a great language barrier kept us from talking too much. he couldn't speak English well (he is a German national. he left 10 days later. i thought I'd never see him again.
well, thank God! he came back to the resort the following year with his entire family in tow. his sister was petite and blond. His mother introduced herself to me saying she has heard so much about me. i was flustered and very flattered. the past summer was repeated. spending time but not talking... then he left again. he never came back...
i didn't know it back then, i was too young. it was a simple crush. now, 6 years later he's still on my mind. whenever i have a boyfriend, i can never seem to give my heart. it felt like it (my heart) was owned by someone else. i go back to that resort twice a year. the gorgeous scenery makes me so sad. i searched for him on the internet. it was futile. too many links, too many people with the same name.
6 years. it took me that long to realize i was in love with my blond angel. and it's too late to tell him...
i sincerely hope he reads this and remembers me. if he could remember me..
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Post a Comment08 Sep, 2012 02:39 PM
hey there, i realy like your story. it was touching one and yes i will pray that he will see your story.....goodluck......