My Family
14 Jun, 2012 08:17 AM
You close your eyes and count to 3. When you open them you hope things are ok.
But when you open your eyes it’s all still here.
I hate you!
You try to walk away but it follows. Always negative, always there.
I wish I was dead!
A new day a new start.
Still there, still hating.
Ill just run away then!
Your angry now, all this negativity is rubbing off on you.
You lash out and everything you want to say comes out.
SHUT UP! You don’t know what you’re on about. You have a lot more than you think. You’re lucky, try living someone else’s life for a day!
But it doesn't end.
I don’t care! I’ll be better somewhere else anyway.
The argument never ends. It continues never getting old.
Do the dishes
I hate you!
You can’t help it your angry, too angry.
You don’t know what to do anymore.
Every week
every month
365 days a year.
It never ends, why won’t it end?
Careers go out the window, dreams shattered because the negativity is eating it away.
You can’t pick up the pieces because when you do you, drop them and it begins all over again.
I hate my life!
I hate my family!
I hate all of you!
And when all of this I hate this, I hate that.
You say it.
I hate you.
And it begins.
Downhill from that moment. Everything you hope and dream of.
Down, down, down.
As you slip off the edge you can’t stop falling.
The tears don’t stop falling
you fall down into your own tears.
Drowning in sorrow.
When you get out of it you’re stuck in a world of depression.
You can’t escape.
You only have the fake smile to hold on to.
You’re fake
Your mind tells you
you believe it.
Your mind hurtles insults at you as your trying to pick up the pieces of your life.
But each piece is a cut; it indents itself into your skin.
Into your life.
You don’t know who you are.
You think it’s simple.
Its not.
Mirror, mirror on the wall who am I?
Well you are yourself as happy and be.
Lies, lies. Why lies.
You’re falling deeper and deeper into your sorrow.
You can’t sleep.
You can’t eat.
You feel sick.
You feel betrayed.
You feel depressed.
And that’s all it is.
The only help is to get help.
You don’t want to.
You do.
You do.
Wish for a better life.
You do.
Wish for it all to be over.
You do.
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Post a Comment25 Nov, 2012 08:15 PM
Oow i can get u and i want to say that i have the same feeling
28 Nov, 2012 02:40 AM
This os how i feel ..all the time..:) made me realize explained my life alot..thnx:,D
09 Dec, 2012 06:17 AM
Its same as i am feeling now, i just want to make a escape. And i know only death can take me away from all this.