He fooled me Good
11 Jul, 2010 11:05 PMHis name was andrew. he was soo perfect in every way. i was 13 and he was 12. we did some pretty bad lustful things together, i was in love, and didnt care. But after our one year anniversary everything started going down. He started getting aggressive. When he wanted me to stop or be quiet he'd hold the front of my neck and squeeze. People thought i was crazy for being with him, but love does things to people, ya know? well on March 18th, he broke up with me. I cried, and begged, and pleaded, but he never came back. I started to cut myself, which made my friends upset. he told me i was worthless. but i never let go. one day he was at the park and we went into the woods and one kiss turned into more, and those lustful things came back (im still a virgin tho). IN the end he promised me another chance after he dated someone else. well after that he started getting mean, telling me he doesnt love me and never will, i cried, it was so hard. I was tired of his broken promises... i found another guy who loves me, and i think im starting to love him, but the pain of andrew still lives inside me..
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Post a Comment16 Jul, 2010 05:44 PM
O my,, what a jerk.. He doesn't deserve to be loved by anyone!! I'm glad you found someone else that loves you. :)
17 Jul, 2010 08:09 PM
that' sad and your ex-boyfriend andrew is very agressive,i dont like him.I mean he dont deserved to be loved by anyone.You just have to move on and Leave evry pain behind and never look back:)
27 Jul, 2010 03:11 PM
This same thing happened to me wit my ex dat was oringinally was my frend for 5 years butt he asked me out & we datted for 2 months & we did lustful things too butt then he broke my heart into amillion peices butt i still love him butt i met sum1 else dat loves & cares bout me more & dat happens to b his best frend
15 Jul, 2012 08:30 PM
WOW i would have dumped his sorryas a long time ago P.s what were u thinking at 12 u little whoe arnt u i bet ur parents dont know do they anyways u are way to young to know about LOVE and if youve come here for sypathy it wont work on me so try someone else yaeh xx
05 Nov, 2012 02:54 AM
I understand where your coming from a 100%
31 Dec, 2012 01:46 AM
That's what you get for dating when you're only 13. Get over it.
20 Jan, 2013 09:29 PM
stupid bitch
14 Apr, 2013 07:18 PM
Wtf he was 12 n he wud strangle or choke you? Damn friken psycho kid n why wud date your like in 7th or 8th grade wow fucked up shit -_-
01 Aug, 2014 05:12 PM
03 Aug, 2014 04:00 AM
C'mon!! they're a BABIES! jajajajajaja damn...