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The Tale of It.

Kristin Villafuerte

20 Nov, 2012 12:34 AM

Hello, Dear Reader. Today, I will tell you about the Tale of It. Who is "It", you ask? Why, I will not tell you. You must have patience and I will tell you. Now, why don't we get on with the story?

This story starts on a warm summer day, reader. It was summer and the birds are singing and the flowers are dancing and the winds are swimming. It was a normal summer day. And X wasn't happy. No, he/she wasn't. X was sad. No matter how many times X's friends and family tried to cheer It up. Nothing worked. he/she drowned out the sounds and ignored all the feelings of happiness. Yes, reader. X didn't want happiness. X felt nothing but pain. A crushing, bleeding pain. All in X's heart. You see, he/she did have happiness once. X had happiness with X's loved one. They loved each other, oh, so very much. But, one uneventful day, X's loved one left. Left for heaven. That's correct, reader. X's loved one had died. It couldn't hold X's loved one's hand or kiss or hug or see each other anymore.

No. That was all shattered. So, he/she said that he/she didn't need happiness anymore. X didn't need anything, or that is what X had. Nothing. But this time, he/she discovered a way to throw away the nothing and bring back the something. X's loved one, to be exact. So, he/she dressed in a formal attire and went out. X's friends and family were so happy that X was finally going out.

But, they wouldn't be happy for long. Do you know what he/she did, reader? X killed itself. he/she found the tree that It and It's loved one would go to all the time. X hung a rope on a lovely branch and hung itself. But it was okay. Because now, X would be happy. X would be with It's loved one again.

So, reader, did you enjoy my little story? I hope you did. And, for your reward, I will tell you who X is. X is You. I know you're wondering reader. Wondering why X is You. It's because life is unfair. Life will stab your heart in all the worst times. And this, reader, could be You one day. This could be You falling in love. You being depressed because you're lover died. You being sad. You killing yourself. You being reunited. This could be you, reader. Therefore, It is You.

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