This is life.
31 Dec, 2012 01:07 PM
Since the day I was born I have not seen a happy day in my life. I was always left out feeling alone, I didn't have the childhood I wanted or the life I wanted too, my home is being destroyed and we can't go back now, it's like life is punishing me for something I didn't do. Why am I so sad? why am I so lonely? I don't have anyone to talk to not even my mom listens to me, I talk to my paper and my pen .. they're the only ones that knows how I feel, no one loves me no one cares if I'm sick if I'm hurt if I'm crying, no one asks me how I am no one looks me in the eyes and says I love you, nobody cares at all, I always wake up in the morning wishing I wasn't alive and hoping something bright will happen to me .. and life disappoints me again and we all move on.
I have always wanted someone to hold me close feel my pain, dries my tears with his hands, and paints a smile on my face, I want someone to hold my hand through my darkest fears and through all my tears, I want someone who will protect me. I want to feel needed in his life, I want someone who cares, I never had my mom to listen to me she never cared. I lack love and I need it now before it's too late, I need someone who understands me and listens to me, and .. I want mom to appreciate me being there for her when she's down, when I cry she doesn't try to ask what's wrong I'm always alone nobody loves me I started to feel unneeded in this world .. if I die nobody would notice a difference everyone will move on so quickly they won't even remember my name, it hurts so bad my heart is going to explode I swear, I feel so bottled up I need to talk to someone please can somebody anybody listen to me ? am I not visible to you ? I'm here please .. I'm here, please listen to me please love me please be my friend I don't have anybody in this life nobody at all .. at all.
I only need love I need someone to trust I need someone to hold I want to feel the warmth the safety the love the burn and the feeling of kisses, I want to be happy, my prince please hurry up my time is ticking and I can't take it anymore.
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Post a Comment31 Mar, 2013 12:36 AM
I am here for you I know how it feels I'm going through the same thing I tried committing suicide over 6 times they always called me ugly rejected me laughed at me... They keep on saying love wl come it never did I'm 19 never had a real gf before I want to be your friend if you ever need someone to talk to talk to me
31 Mar, 2013 04:28 AM
Stay strong. Someone will be there for you. Talk to your mom. Try to make her understand. Let her hear you out. And try to make a friend. I know it's hard. I'm sorry. I know how you feel.
31 Mar, 2013 05:15 AM
I'll be your friend!!!!
31 Mar, 2013 06:05 AM
I can be your friend, e-mail me at
02 Apr, 2013 02:42 PM
I know the feeling. I don't know if you are a girl or no but I realy want to be your friend.If you want to talk to someone you can e-mail me at; I hope I can help you somehow and who knows maybe you could help me to.
03 Apr, 2013 05:45 PM
its ok ill be your friend do you have facebook? well find me !! it alexis lopez and moriarty!! if you have a gmail you can find me at
04 Apr, 2013 02:29 AM
I'm here for you. Email me. Anyone who needs someone to talk too, I'm here. No one should be going through this. Stay strong.
04 Apr, 2013 02:29 AM
Email me at:
04 Apr, 2013 10:42 PM
I feel your pain. I live in pain. The world sees a happy smiling face, not the sad hurt deep inside. My mum left me sitting in a high chair at the age of 8 months, all alone in the house for 2 hours until my dad came home. She took off with dads best friend. I was raised by my grand parents and since we were miles apart in the generation gap we never really knew each other. I grew up scared of females and didn't really have any friends as I was the shy boy, the odd one out. They couldn't see inside of me, the hurt that was in there, and my constant question of "why am I alive?" My father was working on ships so I never really saw him. At 16 my mum made contact, usually late at night by phone and only when she was drunk. One night in a rambling drunken state she told me I was her one regrets in life. She wished she had never given birth to me.I see myself driving a car in this adventure of life. The motor has finally given out. Do I go back from where my journey started, stay where I am and hope someone rescues me or do what I did and get out and push the car forward? That's what I'm doing now, pushing the car forward and it is really tough. By going forward I know there are new adventures in my journey through life, ones that I wouldn't encounter if I stayed still. I think of the people in third world countries whose aim is to find enough food just to get by, sadly not all of them do. One way I get through life is to make sure I either make someone smile or laugh each day, that makes me feel good within myself. One day life may take away this pain. I will never know if I don't move forward. Each morning I want you to look into a mirror and say "I am an unrepeatable miracle and there is no one else on this planet like me". Eventually, if not right then and there, you will make yourself smile at that reflection in the mirror and feel better about yourself. Just remember there are others like you and me filled with pain. If you ever need someone to talk to and help you feel better about yourself just flick me an email at Now go look in the mirror. :-)
05 Apr, 2013 11:08 PM
Friends are not diary to keep a secret to them NO!!!
My friend is an emo I understand him, I'll be your friend
To have a friend you need to be your self.
06 Apr, 2013 01:38 AM
my frn,life is ful of pain,strugle. . We should have strugle hard to get suces . .always work hard to get ur goals thn ur future wil always ful of hapines .
06 Apr, 2013 01:43 PM
god bless u ..........
07 Apr, 2013 05:04 AM
If u can pray. When u pray everything will change, everything. I am telling this because it's happened to me. It will work. Try to go to church, talk to with the Priest. I can be ur friend :-) have a good one.
08 Apr, 2013 10:36 PM
I know that feeling
23 Apr, 2013 09:12 AM
dont worry i know how u feel that happen to me too it makes me cry,unhappy,sad im really happy to know that its not just me.Theres someone who knows how it feels even when my friends ask me why what happen? but they wont understand or notice that it really hurts u deep down inside they just say dont worry!! WE ARE HERE FOR U !! but really they dont understand you.Trust me your not alone hope we can be friends and we may talk about it trust me u will feel better ^_^
15 Sep, 2015 11:14 PM
Its ok if you need to email mine is cheetahprintrockz
15 Sep, 2015 11:17 PM
25 Jan, 2018 11:04 AM
don't be dissapointed about your life,,okay,,,i believe your life will be better soon...just believe yourself ...don't give up easily.i had felt same feeling with you before this..its very pain...ya i knew that feeling is very pain when no anyone care about you,no anyone want to listen you,,,i m felt very lonely and sad on that time..but just be yourself,do you own things,,walk on can help to to release the pain...listen to the sea...tell the unhappy with the sea....i will be here...i will listen to you ,,,just email me when you need someone listen to you...ok,,,,just be fine>>let we keep fighting ok