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Sudden, Tragic, and Painful


26 Sep, 2010 09:44 PM

5 months ago, I was sitting in math class like a regular school day. My school counselor came in and asked me to come straight to the office after school. This scared me because I'm not the girl who gets in trouble. So I waited impatiently throughout the rest of the period and as soon as the bell rang I bolted down the hall, to my locker, and to the office. As I walked into the counselors office, my dad asked me to go into a separate room with him and I started feeling really nervous. So I sat down on the couch and he began to cry. "Sean was murdered. And they can't find Staci." Sean and Staci were my best friend, Avery's parents. I began to cry hysterically. "Avery is in the other room and she needs you right now."
I stood up, crying, and went into the other room. I grabbed Avery and I hugged her and didn't once go. After hours in the school building, we left back to my house because we couldn't bear the thought of going back to her house.
When we got to my house, we decided to go on a walk to calm down. On the walk we were thinking about where her mom might be. We were talking about how she probably needed to calm down. Suddenly I got a call from my dad saying that we needed to come home.
We got back home and my dad sat Avery down on the porch. My mom lead me inside and both of my parents said "Staci is gone too." My mother hugged me and didn't let go. Finally I went outside to be with my best friend. She had lost her parents in the same day. And everyday I want to go back in time and tell them not to go to work. Everyday I see that Avery misses her parents.

I love you Sean and Staci. We all miss you.

Tags: Death, Friends
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Shayla says:
20 Oct, 2010 10:23 PM

If I were you, I think I would've acted the same way. I really don't know what to say. The only thing that I really have in mind is a vacation. You and your best friend should go away somewhere. Away from your home for a little bit and relax. Forget about what has happened for a little and live in your own world. It's always nice to do something like that, even if it's just for a little.

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