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07 Oct, 2010 07:14 PM

well let me get one thing straight I'm not gay ok. but i had a friend named justin who i loved like a brother we were friends on a whole different level i frequently talked him out of killing himself he ran away multiple times and he came to my door and i never told him to go somewhere else he was always welcome in my house. justin had an abusive father who left bruises and cuts on him. he was my best friend. me him and one other kid had our own little group. it was me my name is chris for the record justin and our other friend dillon. in seventh grade dillon got a girlfriend so he started spending less time with me and justin then in eigth grade i got a beuatiful girl named lauren and the catch is i never spent less time with justin even though i was going out with her. so justin was single and eventually became very jealous. so he started making up lies about me that i watched porn even though i didn't that i cheated on my girlfriend which i never even thought about doing and he said that my girlfriend should break up with me and go out with someone who would treat her better he then said that she should go out with him. and I'm being 100% honest I'm not a bad boyfriend I've never cursed at my girl I've never hit her I've never cheated on her I've protected her and much more and this little scum piece of shit i used to call my brother flat out lied to my face when i called him out on it he said that he would never do that to me he said that he wasn't trying to steal my girlfriend when i knew for a fact that he was. so me and my girlfriend are still together but I've lost a brother and the main point of this story is should i forgive him or not . and before i finish this story I'd like to point out that none of this story is made up it is all true so if u have any thoughts i would love to hear them and once again I'm not gay but I'm heartbroken because i lost a brother :( </3

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meme says:
11 Oct, 2010 01:40 PM

awwwwwww...i think u should give him another chance..come on..he got(i gess)no one else to go too..and i gess u been there for him alot for him..and having someone else in ur life..i gess he think she might replace him..and u might forget him..and that he just just gessing..but u should give him another chance

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karina says:
11 Oct, 2010 03:23 PM

thats good that u and ur gf are still together.dont let any rumors get between u guys. but dont forget him he did it once and he will do it again.

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Kaaayla says:
11 Oct, 2010 08:49 PM

No. I donnt really think you should forgive him. Spreading rumours AND denying it is seriously a bitch move. Im glad youve still got the girl, some friendships -no matter how much you think they should - just aren't meant to be.

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Melissaa says:
12 Oct, 2010 12:35 AM

I know EXACTLY how you feel !!!
I believe you should forgive him, even though he hurt you, he was like your bro.
If you read my story then youd know im basicly in the same postion as you..
Sometimes we have to ask if they are ok and if WE can help them in anyway?
Maybe get your GF to get one of her girls to meet up with him, yano, try and hook him up with someone so he doesnt feel alone, i dunno, but it could help ?
Goodluck x

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Casey says:
13 Oct, 2010 11:01 AM

I think you should forgive him. The only reason he did this is because he is jelous that he doesnt have as much as you do. He doesnt have anyone but you (:

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angel says:
13 Oct, 2010 01:41 PM

hey its not your falt that guy was an ass. but i and my freinds say to never let a guy or in ur case a giril ruin ur freind ship. so some idvise is that u should forget the girl and ask him to be ur friend once again. make it better because in the long run, think about it, is it really wouth the girl over freind ship. i think not. a friendship with some one will last longer then a girl in ur life.

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mehnaz says:
15 Oct, 2010 01:34 AM

even i think u shud give another chance though me myself am not confident of my words cuz u treated him lyk a bro and he luved u as a bro n if he cud betray his bro one time than he can do ti again but u shud give him another chance cuz maybe he thought ur gf was keeping u away from him so he tried 2 break u guys up , but doesn;t mean dat he has ever wanted anything bad 4 u so i think u shud 4give him n help him find a gf so he wudn't feel left out

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Ashley says:
15 Oct, 2010 03:33 PM

Aww. I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. I lost my best friend. We were bestest friends on a whole different level, and then she let a stupid boy get in the way. In the end I was left by her, and my boyfriend broke my heart. So, I had no body.
The best thing you can do is just go on. You can't make him tell the truth, or make him say he's sorry if he doesn't want to. As much as it hurts, you just have to let it go. If you really loved him, "Forgive and Forget", yknow? Sometimes you gotta hurt yourself to do what's better in the long run.
And if you think it's fixable, then great! Sit down and talk to him, first.
That is my advice.
I'm here if you want to talk.

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Anchana says:
18 Oct, 2010 12:31 AM

i think u must forgive him 'coz o think u have a kind heart n kindhearted people do forgive others.U r sweet n so is ur brother (as u call him) plzz always be 2gether.........<3

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shathadruthi says:
19 Oct, 2010 07:07 PM

I guess u shld jst 4gv hm n nt get in mct tch wit hm. Its rely gd tat u stil hv ur gf...

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jane says:
23 Oct, 2010 10:28 AM

this is happened to me too...\

forgive him and foget about him...
why do you want him again in your life?
move on and be happy!

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ann says:
06 Jul, 2011 01:32 AM

he did that cuz he felt lonely n felt replaced by ur girl n dillon girl. u should 4giv him i think.

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