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A Ghost For Life- Love Is Hatred & Vice Versa


12 Oct, 2010 11:51 AM

She looked at him as he made his way past her to the gym. She smiled but received none. She Loved him dearly for 3 years but he never seemed to care.
It was her 16th birthday, the day she confessed to him with hope in her eyes and heart that he would at least accept her as a friend if not a girlfriend, but instead he said, "I am not really in need for a girlfriend right now. Will tell you when i need one."
Saying this he went off laughing with his friends.
She was hurt. More than she could've ever felt. The pain in her heart that she bore rose the more she talked of him. She was just a freshman in her freshmen years. She wasn't like any one of those popular girls with hot clothes on every season or week. She wasn't even one of those nerds who were picked by big, giant bullies.
She was like the ghost in the corridors. She had no friends who would support her, appreciate her love for them. No one recognized her or rather, knew her.
She was an anti-social. She didn't want to be one but she was because no one even tried to reply back to her when she passed a hi or a smile to them.
She didn't trust them nor did they trust her. Not trusting people didn't make much of a big deal when she didn't trust herself.
Her existence in life was of no use. She never had a reason to live until one day when she waited for 1, it was him.
He was the reason why she lived, why she cried, why she ate and why she drank.
He was the reason why she fought.
He was the reason why she smiled and laughed.
He was the reason why she tried to socialize with people around her, whom she once never cared about.
He was the reason why she cared so much of what people thought about her........
Her life seemed to have reasons only for him. He was the only one that could make her happy but he was not one bit interested in her. He only used her when he needed her! He only asked her for help when he was in trouble...
So much she went through for him and so less did he care for her.
And the day she asked him out was her 17th birthday. Believing that he would accept her since she was turning 17.
She believed in the quote of Seventeenth Forever.-
"17 will never go on forever."
She chose this day because she believed that if he would accept her they would go on forever and if he wouldn't, the only reason why she lived for would vanish.
And so when the time she lost the reason for why she lived her life. She knew her life had no means of living anymore..
So, with all of her courage she slit her wrists right on her veins and bled to death..
She chose this path, the painful way of dying because she wanted to feel the pain that she felt inside her heart. She wanted to know which hurt more so that she could decide whether its worth living than dying but in the end she decided that the pain she bore in her heart was more painful and unimaginable than the pain she felt by slitting her wrists.
And so, this is how the protagonist dies..
Leaving a note saying, "I loved him and will love him only and no one else. He was the reason why i lived for and the reason why i died. And like i kept my word, i loved only him. And now i want him to feel the pain the way he made me feel. I want him to know that he will be responsible for my death for i already warned him but he didn't listen. but in my heart he would remain forever..."

And so the story ends by quoting that ----> "Love is not always peace and love to one another. We learn to love only by hating a person."
Love and hate is a cyclic process.

Tags: Love, Hate
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meme says:
23 Oct, 2010 12:07 PM

awwww..that my eyes tear up..and whoaa..cant believe she will do that..if she had lived longer..she might have been able to found the guy that might be able to save her from her problem

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Patch Evans says:
24 Oct, 2010 07:00 PM

.....This is sad because it actually happened to one of my friends except she hung herself... :( I miss her...

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itala says:
04 Nov, 2010 03:36 AM

its sad how people committe suicide to hurt someone ,,,,,,, but they never realise that the person who there trying to hurt wont really give a crap. its actually the people that love them that will shed the tears. ironic

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