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Inside of me forever


30 Aug, 2011 02:39 PM

That very moment when our eyes met ,his big black sparkling eyes flamed that spark that kept my hurt burning forever ,i was hypnotized by the first sight ,i couldn't stop staring at him ,but i collected my papers apologized and went to the class room ,but i kept thinking about him.
I thought it was destiny when i saw him getting into the same class room (my class room) .
By time we get closer and then he became my best friend ,we felt communication by each time our eyes met ,but no one could ever say the truth of his feelings ,for i was a very shy girl, i just pretended that we was just friends, even though i'm so into him and he's so into me ,but each time i see his eyes i swim inside them with all of my emotions ,i was involve with him madly .
Once i was so depressed by a fighting between dad and mom ,he felt what I'm being through ,he told me that my happiness means every thing to him and seeing me broken just killing him . I saw justness obvious on his eyes ,he step and hugged me ,that moment i felt that's I'm holding the whole world in my arms ,i felt butterflies that was the best thing ever happened to me it was magic.
Once we were talking about movies he asked me to watch a movie with him ,i simply agreed ,actually i was so excited; when the show over we walked and talked then we set down he stared into my eyes and said :"Liza, i really have something to tell you" then my heart started beating so fast by each second ,i felt it. That was my special moment ,he told me that he loves me i told him that I'm sharing him the same feelings ,then he started kissing me ,it was an unforgettable moment.
Kissing someone you love is more than just lips touching, for me it's a soul touching, he was touching me gently, i felt as if was in a dream but dreams never last forever .
I waked up, and lived a nightmare when he moved away and now he's attending another school but we just kept texting each other.
Then suddenly he started ignoring me saying that he's busy and many other excuses i thought that he was ditching me ,but finally i realized that he was sick ,he had a brain tumor and there's less chances for him to survive i found out that he was trying to help me letting him go and not to suffer with him . i was shocked ,i was unspoken for weeks, i was dying and living at the same time dying by thinking about my life without him and getting alive by the love he shares with me, but i could convince him to meet me somewhere.
when we met i couldn't put up seeing him i just ran and hugged him tighten i started crying on his arms like a little kid ,i was so weak and could hear him whispering to me :" it's ok " my tears wet my cheeks, they dropped no his red T-shirt and on the floor i asked him to hug me forever cause his arms where the only place i felt safe "where can i lay my head without you " i asked .we hugged each other for so long then he said now it's time to go you have to let me go i saw his eyes full of tears and i said :"you may leave but you'll be inside of me forever".

Tags: Sad, Love, Death
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elena says:
11 Dec, 2011 07:24 PM

ohhh,that?s really sad...and i know how you feel,cz i?ve been in the same is nothing to do,but memories will be alive 4 ever.

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Lynn says:
17 Dec, 2011 03:49 PM

Soo sad I wishg my to be boyfriend will be like thAt.

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Momo says:
23 Dec, 2011 12:35 AM

Omg , soooooo sad ... He left life now ?! , if not and i iwsh , dont lose hope .

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*Starcatcher* <3 says:
05 Mar, 2012 10:27 PM

sadd is he still or what i didnt see it saying he died R.I.P if he did

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