26 Sep, 2012 11:00 PMI thought I loved him
I should have listened to them
you were my heart
till you tore it apart
I saw you as someone special
but I was wrong you used me
It felt like you abused me
I feel dead ....
With a big black hole in my heart, were your name lied
I look at your picture and I feel depressed
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BetrayVotes: 336080
25 Sep, 2012 04:16 AMI walk along skies that aren't blue.
I sit alone broken so soon.
I now play fake too.
Because of you.
I worn my mouth loose.
I tried so hard to be free from your noose.
I now feel my emotions turning into abuse.
Because of you.
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DepressedVotes: 131135
24 Sep, 2012 03:47 PMYou left me broken hearted,
and the tears have only just started.
I want to tare everything away.
If I could,
I'd rip my heart out.
Just to feel how this would start out.
You left me broken hearted,
and the tears have only just started.
I want to tare everything away.
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DepressedVotes: 336321
21 Sep, 2012 04:10 PMThe saddest thing in the world was to watch you
Walk away and on the bus you flew
My heart was breaking
My stomach aching
For inside I knew
Your love was not true
For anothers' arms you headed to
Even though you knew
You tore me in two
Yes the saddest things
Are what heartache brings
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SadVotes: 132149
22 Dec, 2011 08:42 PMGot my bullet,
Got my gun.
The equation is as easy,
As one plus one.
Load the chamber.
Cock the gun.
Now this is where,
It really gets fun.
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UnlovedVotes: 831975
17 Dec, 2011 01:32 PMNice guys finish last
On that I will agree,
Treat her with respect
She's guaranteed to leave.
She says she wants a good one
but there aren't any around.
Give her what she wants,
she's no where to be found.
You can't win for losing
but you don't stop trying.
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CheatedVotes: 023488
15 Dec, 2011 09:55 AMIt's what we've been given,
it's the sunshine and the darkness
As pain and pleasure stand eye to eye
Inch by inch i can sense something easing closer
Evil intentions, as it breathes against my neck
and the air in the room grows dry
he sun's daylight begins to fade
and as it does i understand my heart is sinking too
Sadness whispers to me as anger finally leaves the room
there's a tornado in my thoughts, rampaging and spinning
My memories are like mouse traps,
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PainVotes: 121267
15 Dec, 2011 09:45 AMI hate the way it feels when I'm surrounded by the pain
When I'm tired and alone and there's no one left to care
Nothing left to give and no one true to love
Forget what I did & forget what I said
Inside I'm dead
I lay in the filth as my soul starts to perish
I'm not the type to complain but you left me in shear agony
You all might know me different, I'm a drama queen
A control freak out of control
But I was stuck in a nightmare, the hell hole of my life
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HeartbrokenVotes: 319741
14 Dec, 2011 11:56 PMI hate everything you are
Surrounding me and under my skin
I blast this torment past,
the worthless tears in your eyes
Pathetic, the dirt beneath my feet
Pressure binds the excuses and depression in my mind
Fear is no friend of mine, but fallows me like a shadow
Your energy is always spinning around me
but all traces of you are absent
I claw out of my mind to find relief
but i never seem to reach the outside of my prison
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SufferingVotes: 016568
13 Dec, 2011 07:38 PMI sit in the dark silence hoping for another
to mend what has been broken.
But it's only little me and I sit alone.
The darkness is compelling me into thoughts of
what seems to be a tragedy.
There is a crisp chill in the air,
though, it may feel bitter; it isn't.
I feel nothing, but as to you I'm heartless.
No more and no less.
Must you break and bend me?
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SufferingVotes: 016606