Showing sad poems for tag "life"



27 Oct, 2014 03:23 AM
Is it so hard to decipher the poorly encrypted code placed on my face?
"I'm tired" "I'm just tired" "I'm fine, I'm just fucking tired"

Is this so believable that you're left with nothing to inquire? 
Or is there something less forming, some lack of desire? 
The thoughts in my head are swarming, that no one is caring.

I always get left behind, there's just me being lonely and alone.
"It's OK, I'm really fine. It's just hard to sleep when I'm at home."
Just a second glance, it's all that I ask.

I'm at the brink of tears, I need some help before my skin tears.
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Tags: Tired, Alone, Anger, Apart, Pain, Broken, Betrayal, Cry, Cut, Cold, Death, Depression
Votes: 37

I Understand

Savon C.S.R.

09 Jul, 2014 10:33 AM
I Understand

If dreams are memories
And memories are dreams 
Then where is the reality that i seek
From what it seems
It's as if I understand nothing
And one who understands nothing knows nothing at all

These dreams are fading 
And so are my memories
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Tags: Life, Dreams, Memories, Fading
Votes: 5



11 Mar, 2014 11:48 PM
The problem persists from the very roots of our existence
It was not created nor founded
Like a shadow, it is there always, foreboding in resistance
My family is some sort of crude disease purged upon the planet

I can feel it
In my traits
How I walk
The very way I act
A constant numbness

Passed from gene to gene, down to the very atom
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Tags: Dark, Darkness, End, Sad, Sadness, Pain, Suffering, Hurt, Depressed, Depression, Alone, Life, Lifeless, Unloved
Votes: 3

For Polina

Ludmila Anisimova

17 Apr, 2014 04:45 PM
You are the only one who brightens up my day
And makes the darkness slowly fade away.
You are that special person who can heal my soul
And says "That's right" when I say "Life is all"

Please, give me a clue,
I can't understand-
Are you faithful and true
Or a fake who pretends?

Please, listen to me,
I'm not lying
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Tags: Friendship, Heart, Life
Votes: 0



03 Aug, 2013 02:49 AM
Running, playing 
All the stuff just, saying 
Quiet like the gentle breeze 
But goes away like in a blink of an eye 

Swinging, monkey bars 
Just one more hold and your off 
Balance between the beholder 
Trees that move back and forth 
No more to be told 

Jumping, rope
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Tags: Childhood, Life
Votes: 1

A knight ready for war


03 Aug, 2013 03:02 AM
Sheltered in an ice cold room
Where nothin' leaves or stays 
But behind it, is for a wait

The shield was put up for a reason, 
don't you think? 
I mean no disrespect, 
but what made you think I need you

You have it figured out, don't you? 
You have all the utensils you need 
Yet none of them are needed
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Tags: Angry, Sad, Life
Votes: 0

A Bird's Life


27 Apr, 2013 07:50 PM
I hatch and open my eyes
I look up at the blue skies
Inside a nest Really high up
Can't wait to grow up

I grow up really fast
With love and help
Nearly grown up at last
This was how i felt

Feathers covered my wings
Yet again I looked at the sky
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Tags: Life, Feelings, Love
Votes: 0



27 Apr, 2013 07:29 PM
I dream of flying
I dream of you
Are you even trying
The paintings you drew

That told of our life
That told of our pain
That hurt like a knife
I didn't know that then

I dream of flying
I dream of you
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Tags: Sound, Life
Votes: 3

If This Would Make You Happy

Alon Calinao Dy

19 Feb, 2013 07:37 PM
I thought we would grow old together.
You said you'd love me forever
Until our skin would make folds
And our hair would become gray.

I thought those sweet words were real
That you could never lie to me. 
I thought we have an agreement
That you'd cherish our love and trust.

All these years that have passed, 
I have given you everything
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Tags: Sad, Love, Longing, Life, Hope, Faith, Wish
Votes: 29

Sadness and Sorrow / How could ?

Hamzaa Chaba

09 Feb, 2013 08:10 PM
How could silence, be louder than my scream
How could shadows, be darker than my dream
How could I feel, the guilt and the shame
Sadness and sorrow, but no one to blame
How could I live, with no fate or name
How could my life, be an endless game
How could I hate, what I've became
Sadness and sorrow, It's all the same
How could I cry, a thousand day
How could my life, throw me away
How could I forget, How could I deny
Sadness and sorrow, are not just a lie
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Tags: Sadness, Loneliness, Life, Silence, Darkness, Dream, Scream, Shadow, Tears, Fears
Votes: 5