Tears are the last gift of relationship
Everone wants to be happy no one wants to be in pain but theres no rainbow with out any rain
Tags: Happiness
Sorrow sank deep inside my blood, and all the ones around me, i care for, and most of all i love. But i can't see myself this way, please don't forget me, or cry now that I'm away.
Tags: Suicide
I killed hope, but you buried it.
in every happiness, there will always be a sad in between..
Hurt me with the truth, But never comfort me with a lie....
Tags: Reality
I Love You has 8 letters, but guess what? so does BULLSHIT!
.."no matter how perfect the day is,it always has to end"..
when you lose someone... you end up losing part of yourself
- laura
Submitted By: Laura
Tags: Loss, Love
love makes life so complicated..... But would we really want to live without it
Tags: Love