Showing sad quotes for tag "pain"

pain dosent hurt if it's all you have ever felt
Tags: Pain, Hurt
If there really were angels, would they let us feel this pain, much less keep the scar as a reminder?
- Lilianna
Submitted By: Dawn
Tags: Love, Sadness, Pain, Scar, Angels
Pain is only limited, love lasts a life time
To Understand Great Love you Must First understand Great Pain
- Me
Submitted By: Stephanie
Tags: Love, Pain
love is like heaven... but the pain that accompanies it makes it another hell we all have to go through
"There are more tears running down my face then there is rain in a whole year,
And i feel more alone then i was before."
- Mel
I hide my tears and pain when I am around you... but that doesn't mean that I have no heart just because I don't show the pain.
To love is to live
To fall is to be in pain
To be alone is to be hurt
To be in darkness is to be in light first...
- Dark Soul
Submitted By: dark soul
Tags: Pain, Hurt, Darkness, Love
I hide my tears when i say your name,
But the pain in my heart is still the same...
Although I smile and seem carefree,
There is no one who misses you more than me...
Tags: Pain, Heart, Missing
The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.
Tags: Pain, Love